রবিবার, ২৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Leopoldo Vaz | Sport Psychology in Brazil: Approaches between ...

Car?ssimos, acabo de receber o Boletim do ISHPES -?International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport/Soci?t? Internationale d?Histoire de l??ducation physique et du sport/Internationale Gesellschaft f?r die Geschichte der Leibeserziehung und des Sports, de n. 42, deste mes de deembro. Nossa colega Cristianne, da UFMA, teve artigo publicado; apresentado no Congresso Mundial de Histori do Esporte, realizado julho ultimo no Rio de Janeiro.

?ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 15

Sport Psychology in Brazil: Approaches between Psychology and Physical Education

Cristianne Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Maranh?o;?S?o Lu?s; Brasil)

Sport Psychology is considered an emerging practice in Brazil. Turning into one of the eleven specialties in psychology practice, it has relied heavily on the recognition and regulation of the Federal Council of Psychology (Conselho Federal de Psicologia ? CFP; the resolution number 02/01 of the Federal Council of Psychology gives the title of Specialist in Sport Psychology in 2000 ? see www.pol.org.br), since 2000. The following summarizes the doctoral thesis in Social Psychology on the History of Sport Psychology in Brazil at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro ? UERJ).

The study takes place between the decades from 1930 to 1950 because of the lack of information in this period. The first studies in this area began to be of importance in Brazil in the late 1950s, more specifically in 1958, with the participation of Jo?o Carvalhaes in the technical committee of the victorious Brazilian Soccer Team. It is interesting that this actually occurs before the regulation of psychology as a profession in 1962. The Research we developed in the PhD made it possible to find information prior to that period, establishing an embryonic practice of psychology focused on the scope of physical activity inside the first school of Physical Education in Brazil, led initially by the Brazilian Army in Rio de Janeiro in 1930. This finding led to the first journals of Physical Education in Brazil, where it was identified the presence of psychology initiating an approach in the world of Physical Education, what is now called Sports Psychology. Some questions about this construction process and given these facts: how did this integration occur between Physical Education and Psychology? What relation can we find between Sport Psychology today with those early days?


In an attempt to construct a narrative about the early history of Sport Psychology in Brazil, much of the contemporary social psychologists agree on the position that all knowledge is constructed from a social production where we all play a role in the process of construction of meaning. Based on constructionism, this view is characterized by questioning the truths guided in the representations of knowledge production, considering object and subject as social constructions at the same level of relationship and interaction. In social psychology this view is developed through the work of Kenneth Gergen, 1973 (

Social Psychology as history), Thomas Iba?ez (1993), Jonathan Potter (1996), Ian Hacking (2001), Lupicinio I?iguez (2004) and Mary Jane Spink (2004) in Brasil, to name a few.

The research method is based on a narrative record that relates the documented evidence collected with the one based on the bibliographic collection found in the first journals of Physical Education in Brazil.

The history of Sport Psychology known in Brazil

Sport Psychology is another branch of psychological knowledge and it is a reflection of its construction as a whole. Therefore, considerations about this knowledge are important to better situate the performers and explain their positions in this narrative.

In the USA, Psychology is based on the study of consciousness, its adaptive function and its evolution in humans. In Central Europe the emphasis was on the relationship between psychiatry and neurology when madness came to be explained as a disease of the mind rather than the nerves. Although such experiments have been significant for the emergence of various psychologies, only in the late nineteenth century in Germany, W. Wundt (1832-1920) and his psychological laboratory (1879) provided the experimental study of psychology in university education. The world turns to control, to measurement, and to classification in all aspects of individual and collective, internal and external to the individual.

According to Soares (2005: 19) ?*?+ the nineteenth century holds a great scientific revolution of the laboratories, industrialization and growth of disciplines and social institutions. *?+?. The scientific and capitalist ideologies take care of the society transforming itself into a large living organism driven by the growing sense of development. Everything can and should be measured, classified, compared, defined and widespread.

Brazil has traveled this path slowly as the institutionalization of psychology as a profession and academic knowledge have only occurred in the second half of the twentieth century (1962).

According to Ara?jo (2006: 102) psychology begins to settle in Brazil ?*?+ mainly by means of applied psychology ? whether in psychiatry or pedagogy with emphasis on psychometrics *?+?, which were strongly influenced by the demand for control and measurement that psychometrics provided, offering an approach between Psychology and Physical Education.

Although there are results in other sports, it is those results obtained through soccer that psychology was able to obtain evidence in the media with the performance of Jo?o Carvalhaes (JC), considered the founder of this area due to his participation in the Brazilian National Soccer Team, World Cup 1958. ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 16

Besides J. Carvalhaes, other names stand out in the soccer area such as Athayde Ribeiro da Silva and Em?lio Mira y Lopez. Both of them wrote the books ?Psychology and Soccer? and ?Sport Psychology and the preparation of the athlete.? in the 1960s. Since then, Sport Psychology has been developing and acting in other ways, but even 50 years after JC?s important participation in Brazilian soccer, Sport Psychology remains as an unknown field in this world.

History that deserves to be known

To understand those who played roles and the relations present in this construction process it was important to view the initial studies, which began in Brazilian history, in 1930 during the so called Vargas Era (1930-1945). It was a complex moment of great importance in our history due to the political, economic and social developments, but mainly due to the fact of that the Army was the initial promoter of the theoretical space so that Psychology could be discussed, even if occasionally.

Health, hygiene and and education become the primary focus of the state during this period. It is when medicine, the army and physical education ended up meeting. It is during the Get?lio Vargas Era that the first physical education schools in the country begin to appear, along with journals about psychology. The militarization of the body begins in the late 1930?s because

[...] the body is the issue of the moment and it is the center of attention for doctors, educators, engineers, teachers and institutions such as the army, the Church, the schools, the hospitals. Suddenly, we become aware that to think the society over to transform it was necessarily related to taking care of the body as a resource to achieve the whole integrity of the human being [...]. (Lenharo, 1986)

In this direction, the army became an inviting scenario for sport to develop according to such demands involving the notion of control and discipline. The foundation of the School of Physical Education of the Army (Escola de Educa??o F?sica do Ex?rcito ? EsEFEx), established in 1922, as a part of the new army organization in the early decades of the twentieth century, was the starting point of this project for the ideal man for the nation.

In another aspect of controlling bodies, medicine was devoted to combat many popular and mystical practices that served as instruments of cure or beliefs for cure in a social context of treating diseases of the second half of the nineteenth century.

Given this scenario, we find heterogeneous fields as Medicine, Physical Education, Army and Psychology grouping and building new relationships. Psychology is then a propitious area to be and build a new practice focused on physical activity and sports. It is inserted in this context invited by Physical Education to try to interfere in the relationship between mind and body, an old philosophical issue that appears in a new facet. To understand such insertion the research sought to analyze the articles from the first journals of Physical Education that emerged from 1930 to 1960.

Research sources:

1. Educa??o Physica Revista Technica de Esportes e Athletismo / Physical Education ? technical Magazine of Sports and Athletism (1932-1944): the first journal about physical education in Brazil, published twice a year by Companhia Brasil Editora S/A, Rio de Janeiro.

2. Revista de Educa??o F?sica/Journal of Physical Education (1932 to present): created by the School of Physical Education of the Army (EsEFEx) in order to help build the brazilian race. Currently the Army announces sporting activities;

3. Revista Brasileira de Educa??o F?sica/Brazilian Journal of Physical Education (1944-1952);

4. Revista Arquivos/?Arquivos? Journal (1945-1972): designed by the School of Physical Education and Sports (Escola de Educa??o F?sica e Desportos ? ENEFD), established in 1939 as the first upper level school attached to a university, the University of Brazil, now the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ? UFRJ). It has academic and technical character in its articles.

In the first decades the army, doctors and educators ventured to discuss issues they considered relevant in the world of physical activity. Some themes found in these journals:

?Psychology and Physical Education? (1935): article translated by Am?lia de Oliveira.

?Physical education under the psychological point of view? (1938): published by the 1st Lieutenant Airton Salgueiro Freitas, Instructor of Physical Education and Sports of EsEFEx and coach of the Brazilian team of modern pentathlon in London Olympics in 1948.

?Psychology applied to athletes? (1946) by Inezil Penna Marinho, professor of Metodology at ENEFD.

?Psychological research in the scientific control of sports? (1954/1955) and ?Psychological conditions for the application of quality education to hygiene, physical education and recreation? (1964). Both written by Carlos Sanches Queiroz.

?The importance of psychological research in the scientific control of sporting activities? (1953) ?The need for guidance in the practice of sport? (1962) and ?The contribution of psychology to the sport orientation? (1964) written by Cec?lia Turre?o Stramandinoli. ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 17


1. The Sport Psychology in Brazil comes from the insertion in Physical Education and Sports Medicine and also by the knowledge focused on strategies to control the body. Physical Education in the decades from 1930 to 1950 included psychology in its journals in an attempt to respond to the demand in the formation of the ideal man for the country.

2. Articles and authors talk about psychology in the world of physical activity in a military environment thirty years before the institutionalization of psychology and twenty years before Carvalhaes?s action in Sport Psychology.

3. Psychology, as a field of knowledge, followed the trend of modernization of equipping itself with tests and techniques able to diagnose and intervene. It produced several specialties including what we call Sport Psychology.

4. Therefore, distinct and apparently opposing realities such as physical activity/psychology, army/psychology, psychology/physical education, mind/body, clearly approach in Brazil in the early twentieth century, initiating the establishment of what now is called Sport Psychology.


Ara?jo S. 2006). Wilhelm Wundt e o estudo da experi?ncia imediata. In A. M. Jac?-Vilela, A. A. L. Ferreira & F. T. Portugal, Hist?ria da Psicologia: rumos e percursos (93-104). Rio de Janeiro: NAU Editora.

Lenharo A. (1986).Sacraliza??o da pol?tica. Campinas: Papirus.

Soares C. L. (2005).Imagens da educa??o no corpo: estudo a partir da gin?stica francesa no s?culo XIX. 3a ed. Campinas: Autores Associados.


Contents / Sommaire / Inhalt

1 President?s News ???????? 1

2 Obituary William James Riordan (1936-2012) ??.. 4

3 ISHPES Congress 2013 ? Games and Sporting Events in History: Organization, Performances and Impacts ..6

4 2013 Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award ????8

5 The ISHPES Congress in Rio de Janeiro 2012 ??..9

6 The International PhD Summer School 2012 at the University of Copenhagen ?.11

7 Members? Forum?? 12

7.1 Growing Pains: Avery Brundage and the Olympic Movement in South America . 12

7.2 Sport Psychology in Brazil: Approaches between Psychology and Physical Education ..15

7.3 Le r?le du trickster dans les pratiques sportives nord-am?rindiennes ?.. 18

7.4 Club de Sports Hygienicos and Education Bodies in the City of Belo Horizonte ?? 20

8 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences (Announcement) ?..22

9 IJHS Abstracts Translation (Announcement) ?.. 23

10 (New) Publications ???? 24

11 General Information ??26

Source: http://www.blogsoestado.com/leopoldovaz/2012/12/22/sport-psychology-in-brazil-approaches-between-psychology-and-physical-education-by-cristianne-carvalho-universidade-federal-do-maranhao-sao-luis-brasil/

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শনিবার, ২২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Police probe why man fatally shot 3 in rural Pa.

Local law enforcement block off road along Rt. 22 near the Canoe Creek State Park, Pa. while investigating a shooting on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. The suspect fired at troopers responding to Friday morning's shootings in Frankstown Township, about 70 miles west of Harrisburg. The fleeing gunman then crashed head-on into a trooper's car and got out of his truck and shot again at police, who returned fire and killed him. Blair County District Rich Consiglio says the gunman killed two men and one woman. (AP Photo/Altoona Mirror, J.D. Cavrich)

Local law enforcement block off road along Rt. 22 near the Canoe Creek State Park, Pa. while investigating a shooting on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. The suspect fired at troopers responding to Friday morning's shootings in Frankstown Township, about 70 miles west of Harrisburg. The fleeing gunman then crashed head-on into a trooper's car and got out of his truck and shot again at police, who returned fire and killed him. Blair County District Rich Consiglio says the gunman killed two men and one woman. (AP Photo/Altoona Mirror, J.D. Cavrich)

Emergency responders block Juniata Valley Road on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 in Geeseytown, Pa. A man fatally shot a woman decorating for a children's Christmas party at a tiny church hall and killed two men elsewhere in the rural central Pennsylvania township Friday before he was fatally shot in a gunfight with state troopers. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

Pennsylvania State police Lt. George Bivens, right, talks during a news conference at the Geeseytown Fire Company about shootings along a nearby rural road that left four people dead and three Pennsylvania State troopers injured on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 in Geeseytown, Pa. Pennsylvania state trooper Jeff Pettuci is at left. A man fatally shot a woman decorating for a children's Christmas party at a tiny church hall and killed two men elsewhere in the rural central Pennsylvania township Friday before he was fatally shot in a gunfight with state troopers. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

Pennsylvania state trooper Jeff Pettuci talks during a news conference at the Geeseytown Fire Company about shootings along a nearby rural road that left four people dead and three Pennsylvania State troopers injured on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012, in Geeseytown, Pa. Pennsylvania State police Lieutenant George Bivens, is at right, and Capt. Maynard Gray is at left. A man fatally shot a woman decorating for a children's Christmas party at a tiny church hall and killed two men elsewhere in the rural central Pennsylvania township before he was fatally shot in a gunfight with state troopers. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

(AP) ? Authorities in central Pennsylvania are trying to determine why a man fatally shot three people along a rural road before being killed in a gunfight with police.

Police were still trying to piece together a timeline in the arduous investigation of the Friday shootings that began in Frankstown Township and spanned five crime scenes within a 1.5-mile radius.

A woman decorating a church hall for a children's Christmas party was among those killed. Three state troopers were injured.

Authorities haven't released a motive for the shootings.

"It's going to take us some time to put this all together ... and know exactly what occurred," said Lt. Col. George Bivens, a deputy state police commissioner.

Police did not release the names of the victims or the shooter, though they did say the man lived in Blair County, where all the shootings occurred. Clergy planned a prayer vigil Saturday for the victims, which included the woman at the Juniata Valley Gospel Church.

The gunman and the victims weren't related, though the victims may have been, at least distantly, Blair County District Attorney Rich Consiglio said.

Troopers were responding to a 911 call of a shooting in the township at about 9 a.m. Friday when they heard calls reporting at least one other shooting elsewhere, state police said.

The three troopers, in patrol cars, were injured in a pursuit that began after the gunman, driving a pickup truck, fired at them, police said. One trooper injured a wrist and then was hit in the chest but was saved by body armor.

A second trooper was injured by glass fragments in his eye and bullet fragments that hit him in the forehead, Bivens said.

The gunman was killed during a final exchange of gunfire after ramming his truck head-on into another police cruiser, authorities said. It was after that crash that the trooper shot in the wrist also was hit in the chest.

The third trooper suffered minor injuries from the head-on crash, Bivens said. More than one weapon was seized from the truck, Bivens added, but he declined to offer more specifics.

"I think we have three very fortunate state police members tonight," Bivens said Friday. "We are very thankful for the fact that they survived this attack. Someone was watching over them."

Besides the woman, one man was shot at a home and the other man was shot at a crash site where the gunman had used his truck to strike another vehicle, Bivens said.

But relatives of the victims said they were told the woman at the church was the first person shot, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported. The gunman then shot two men in the driveway of a home after a confrontation at a stop sign, one of the men's cousins, Marie Brenneman, told the newspaper.

"This person went to their driveway with a pistol, pointed at them and started shooting," Brenneman said.

She said both men were the shooter's neighbors in the tiny village of Geeseytown, about 70 miles west of Harrisburg, the state capital.

"They were uneasy around him," she said.

The woman at the church had cooked food the day before for the funeral of the church's longtime pastor, said the Rev. James McCaulley, his brother. The church still was reeling from the death of the Rev. David McCaulley when the woman returned to decorate its hall, and bullets ripped through a window, he said.

The gunman then entered and shot one of two women before he left, the Rev. James McCaulley said.

Police identified the five crime scenes as the church; a home and ground around the home; a crash site where another victim was killed; the point in the road where the gunman opened fire on the troopers; and where the final encounter occurred after the truck collided with the police cruiser.

Bivens said investigators don't know if the victims were picked at random.

McCaulley, who is the pastor of another church about 50 miles from the site of Friday's carnage, said his older brother began leading the Frankstown church in 1954.

"He preached his last sermon at the church in October before he fell ill," McCaulley said.

The church, which lists about 150 members in an online ad posted this month seeking an associate pastor, is close-knit, and the woman killed Friday was among its more active members, McCaulley said. She had made food for him to take home Thursday since his wife had died this year, he said.

"The only thing I can say good at this time is that (the gunman) didn't do this 24 hours earlier when there was a big crowd in the church hall," McCaulley said. "We're devastated."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-12-22-Rural%20Road%20Shooting/id-36100eaa1da549c3b810eb96d914c54b

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RIM shares dive as fee changes catch market off guard

(Reuters) - Shares of BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd plunged more than 20 percent on Friday on fears that a new fee structure for its high-margin services segment could put pressure on the business that has set the company apart from its competitors.

It was the stock's biggest, single-day, percentage price drop since September 2008. But shares were still nearly 80 percent above the year's low, which was reached in September. They started to rally in November as investors began to bet that RIM's long-awaited new BlackBerry 10 phones, which will be unveiled in January, would turn the company around.

The services segment has long been RIM's most profitable and accounts for about a third of total revenue. Some analysts said there was a risk that the fee changes could endanger its service ecosystem and leave the Canadian company as just another handset maker.

The fee changes, which RIM announced on Thursday after market close, overshadowed stronger-than-expected quarterly results. The company said the new pricing structure would be introduced with the BlackBerry 10 launch, expected on January 30.

RIM said some subscribers would continue to pay for enhanced services such as advanced security. But under the new structure, some other services would account for less revenue, or even none at all.

Chief Executive Thorsten Heins tried to reassure investors in a television interview with CNBC on Friday, saying RIM's "service revenue isn't going away".

He added: "We're not stopping. We're not halting. We're transitioning."

Since taking over at RIM in January, Heins has focused on shrinking the company and getting it ready to introduce its new BB10 devices, which RIM says will help it claw back ground it has lost to competitors such as Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics.

But the new services pricing strategy came as a shock to markets, and some analysts cut their price targets on RIM stock.

RIM will not be able to sustain profitability by relying on its hardware business alone, said National Bank Financial analyst Kris Thompson, whom Thomson Reuters StarMine has rated the top RIM analyst based on the accuracy of his estimates of the company's earnings.

Thompson downgraded RIM's stock to "underperform" from "sector perform" and cut his price target to $10 from $15.

Forrester Research analyst Charles Golvin said the move was likely about stabilizing market share: "At the moment, they need to stem the bleeding."

He said the tiered pricing might line up better with RIM's subscriber base as it expands in emerging economies.

RIM's Nasdaq-listed shares closed down 22.7 percent at $10.91 on Friday. The stock fell 22.2 percent to C$10.86 on the Toronto Stock Exchange.


The success of the BB10 will be crucial to the future of RIM, which on Thursday posted its first-ever decline in total subscribers. Heins said on CNBC that the company expected to ship millions of the new devices.

He cautioned that this will require heavy investment, which will reduce RIM's cash position in its fourth and first quarters from $2.9 billion in its fiscal third quarter. He said, however, it would not go below $2 billion.

Still, doubts remain about whether RIM can pull off the transformation. Needham analyst Charlie Wolf said the BB10 would have to look meaningfully superior to its competitors for RIM to stage a comeback.

Canaccord Genuity analyst Michael Walkley said it was highly unlikely that the market would support RIM's new mobile computing ecosystem, and he remained skeptical about the company's ability to survive on its own.

"We believe RIM will eventually need to sell the company," said Walkley, who cut his price target on RIM shares to $9 from $10.

Baird Equity Research analysts said BB10 faced a daunting uphill battle against products from Apple, as well as those using Google Inc's Android operating system, and, increasingly, phones with Microsoft Corp's Windows 8 operating system.

Baird maintained its "underperform" rating on the stock, while Paradigm Capital downgraded the shares to "hold" from "buy" on uncertainty around the services revenue model.

"RIM has gone from having one major aspect of uncertainty - BlackBerry 10 adoption - to two, given an uncertain floor on services revenue," William Blair analyst Anil Doradla said.

RIM will have to discount BB10 devices significantly to maintain demand, Bernstein analyst Pierre Ferragu said.

The BlackBerry, however, still offers the security features that helped it build its reputation with big business and government, a selling point with some key customers.

Credit Suisse maintained its "neutral" rating on the stock, but not because it expected BB10 to be a big success.

"Only the potential for an outright sale of the company or a breakup keeps us at a neutral," Credit Suisse analysts said.

Separately on Friday, ailing Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia said it had settled its patent dispute with RIM in return for payments.

($1=$0.98 Canadian)

(Reporting by Chandni Doulatramani in Bangalore and Allison Martell in Toronto. Additional reporting by Sinead Carew in New York; Editing by Ted Kerr, Dale Hudson, Janet Guttsman,; Lisa Von Ahn, Peter Galloway and Leslie Gevirtz)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/rims-services-model-pressure-margins-analysts-115034974--finance.html

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Best iPhone Games of 2012 | Gamezebo

Is it just me or does gaming on the iPhone keep getting better? You?d think the bar of quality would eventually cease its endless journey upward (or at least slow down), but that hasn?t been the case. We?ve been treated to a steady stream of excellent games since the App Store?s launch in 2008, and this year is no different.

It?s nothing short of amazing how much the iPhone has shaken up the industry recently. It wouldn?t be a stretch to say that it stole the thunder from dedicated gaming handhelds, not to mention introduced a whole new crowd to video games. And, if developers continue to release games as good as the ones listed below, I?ve no doubt it will continue to stir things up in the years ahead.



#5 - Hero Academy

If you took the classic game of chess and pumped it full of powerful weaponry and diverse character factions, you?d end up with Hero Academy. It boasts a form of strategy that nearly everyone is familiar with, which goes a long way to narrow the chasm between those new to the game and those who have been playing it for a long time.

And yet, even with such a low barrier to entry, there?s more than enough depth to its turn-based, multiplayer-focused gameplay to keep you on the hook for months on end.



#4 - Beat Sneak Bandits

Rhythm games are great. Platformers are great. But what happens when you merge the two? Beat Sneak Bandit happens, that?s what.

The game?s premise is simple enough: move the main character by tapping along to the beat of the music. But with its clever level design and sundry head-scratching puzzles, Beat Sneak Bandit is as complex as it is fun to play. I?m also pretty sure it?s scientifically impossible to not have the soundtrack stuck in your head when you finish playing.?



#3 - Devil's Attorney

At first blush, Devil?s Attorney might seem like it?s trying to ride the coattails of Phoenix Wright?s success. But as you learn after just a few minutes with it, that couldn?t be further from the case.

Devil?s Attorney is best described as a turn-based strategy game, and one that?s overflowing with witty dialogue and absurd court cases. You play as Max, the lovable-but-unscrupulous defense attorney looking to carve out a name for himself. And while others choose to do so through sheer talent, Max opts instead to cheat, outwit, and occasionally?even lie to keep his clients off the hook. As it turns out, being a seedy lawyer can be a whole lot of fun.



#2 - Rayman Jungle Run

Following in the footsteps of the near-perfect Rayman Origins is no easy feat, but Rayman Jungle Run managed to pull it off brilliantly. Rather than try and make a console game function on a touch-screen interface, Ubisoft pared down the mechanics and offered an experience that felt right at home on iOS (and Android). You?d be hard-pressed to find a runner that?s as fun as this one, not to mention one even half as gorgeous to look at.



#1 Super Hexagon

Simply put, Super Hexagon is concentrated fun. There?s no story, no characters, and no entreaties to save the world or destroy an ancient evil; it?s just you, your triangle cursor, and an incoming stream of shapes that kill you upon contact. To describe it in a word, it?s ?addictive.? To describe it in four words, it?s ?addictive and obscenely hard.?

Seriously, we?re not joking around: Super Hexagon is one tough cookie. You?ll know how to play in a matter of seconds, but staying alive longer than even 30 seconds will take quite a bit of practice. And that?s a good thing, because every second spent with the game is pure delight.


With another year come and gone, Gamezebo is looking back at the best games that 2012 had to offer. Our month-long retrospective will touch on just about every type of game you can imagine - so be sure not to miss any of it!?Check out our full collection of Best of 2012 articles, and vote for your favorite games in our?2012 Reader?s Choice awards.

Read more: Best of 2012

Source: http://www.gamezebo.com/news/2012/12/20/best-iphone-games-2012

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Obama's pick for secretary of state a familiar face on world stage

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Sen. John Kerry, President Barack Obama's pick for secretary of state, is a familiar face to the world leaders vital to American interests.

The son of a diplomat and Obama's unofficial envoy, Kerry spent hours walking around the palace in Kabul persuading Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai to agree to a runoff election in fall 2009. The relationship will be crucial in the coming months as the administration draws down U.S. forces after more than a decade of war.

In Pakistan, Kerry helped quell the anger after the U.S. incursion into the country to kill Osama bin Laden in May 2011. The uneasy ties between Washington and Islamabad will be a priority for Kerry at the State Department.

"He knows most of the world leaders," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. "So when he goes into a country he will be a known quantity."

The five-term Massachusetts senator has spent his entire congressional career on the Foreign Relations Committee, the last six as chairman. He has traveled extensively both as intrepid lawmaker and administration emissary.

Fulfilling a Kerry dream, Obama on Friday tapped the 69-year-old lawmaker, a decorated Vietnam War veteran and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, to replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for the top job at Foggy Bottom.

"I think it's fair to say that few individuals know as many presidents and prime ministers, or grasp our foreign policies as firmly as John Kerry," Obama said in making the announcement. "And this makes him a perfect choice to guide American diplomacy in the years ahead."

Kerry is expected to sail to confirmation, with both Republicans and Democrats praising the nomination. His friend, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., jokingly referred to him as "Mr. Secretary" earlier this month, a remarkable turn as just eight years ago Republicans ridiculed Kerry as a wind-surfing, elitist flip-flopper in his bid for the White House.

While Kerry has tamped down diplomatic fires for Obama, he has stepped ahead of the administration on a handful of crises. He joined McCain as an early proponent of a more aggressive policy toward Libya, pushing for using military forces to impose a "no-fly zone" over Libya as Moammar Gadhafi's forces killed rebels and citizens.

He was one of the early voices calling for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down as the revolution roiled the nation last year.

That independent voice may be tempered once he takes over as the administration's top diplomat.

"He's going to find what it's like to be part of an administration," said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C. "John's going to adapt to this well. I think he spent a lot of his time grooming to be a good secretary of state. ... I don't see any downside to this nomination."

During his tenure, Kerry has pushed for reducing the number of nuclear weapons, shepherding a U.S.-Russia treaty through the Senate in December 2010, and has cast climate change as a national security threat, joining forces with Republicans on legislation that faced too many obstacles to win congressional passage.

He has led delegations to Syria and met a few times with President Bashar Assad, now a pariah in U.S. eyes after months of civil war and bloodshed as the government looks to put down a people's rebellion. Figuring out an end-game for the Middle East country would demand all of Kerry's skills.

The selection of Kerry closes a political circle with Obama. In 2004, it was White House hopeful Kerry who asked a largely unknown Illinois state senator to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic convention in Boston, handing the national stage to Obama. Kerry lost that election to President George W. Bush. Four years later, Obama was the White House hopeful who succeeded where Kerry had failed.

Throughout this past election year, Kerry skewered Obama's Republican rival, Mitt Romney, at nearly every opportunity and was a vocal booster for the president's re-election. Kerry memorably told delegates at the Democratic National Convention in August: "Ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now than he was four years ago."

Kerry and McCain, defeated presidential candidates who returned to the Senate, have joined forces repeatedly during the past few decades. In July 1995, the two decorated Vietnam War veterans provided political cover to President Bill Clinton when he normalized U.S. relations with Vietnam. Clinton had been dogged by questions about his lack of military service.

Kerry, the Yale graduate who enlisted in the Navy, was an appealing presidential nominee in 2004 for his Vietnam War service. Three years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, national security credentials were critical against Bush.

But Kerry was pounded by the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, a group that made unsubstantiated claims challenging Kerry's war record of a Silver Star, a Bronze Star for combat valor and three Purple Hearts. His candidacy also was dogged by his anti-war stance in April 1971 when he testified before the committee he would later chair and famously asked, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Kerry's move to the State Department will spark yet another special election in Massachusetts ? the third Senate contest since a 2010 special election following the death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in 2009.

Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who won the 2010 special election but lost last month to Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, is seen as a front-runner on the GOP side if he chooses to run again.

Possible Democratic candidates include Reps. Michael Capuano, Edward Markey and Stephen Lynch, and Ted Kennedy Jr., son of the late senator. Gov. Deval Patrick must name an interim senator to serve until the special election. Former Gov. Michael Dukakis and Victoria Kennedy, Edward M. Kennedy's widow, have been suggested as possible interim senators although Patrick hasn't publicly confirmed any names.

Kerry was in Pakistan last year in the midst of a diplomatic crisis after Raymond Davis, a CIA-contracted American spy, was accused of killing two Pakistanis.

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, traveled to Pakistan around that time and recalled Kerry's influence.

"I arrived in Islamabad, I think, five days after Ray Davis had been taken into a jail in the Punjab and was at very real risk of being hauled out of the jail and lynched," Coons said. "Sen. Kerry was about to show up and negotiate on behalf of the administration. And it was clear that both the diplomats and the military folks we met with viewed him as a real man of credibility and experience who was likely to contribute meaningfully to those negotiations."

Davis pleaded self-defense. After weeks of wrangling between the U.S. and Pakistan, he was released in exchange for "blood money" paid to the dead men's relatives.

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who likely will take over the chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee, said the high-level relationships that Kerry "built with world leaders will allow him to step seamlessly into the position and to ensure that there is no decline in U.S. leadership on important global issues during a transition."


Donna Cassata can be reached on Twitter at http://twitter.com/DonnaCassataAP

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/kerry-familiar-face-world-stage-162357267.html

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Palestinians begin returning to Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria

Palestinians are returning to their refugee camp after fighting sent them fleeing, but the number fleeing Syria or facing internal displacement continues to rise.

By Arthur Bright,?Staff writer / December 20, 2012

? A daily summary of global reports on security issues.

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Europe Editor

Arthur Bright is the Europe Editor at The Christian Science Monitor.? He has worked for the Monitor in various capacities since 2004, including as the Online News Editor and a regular contributor to the Monitor's Terrorism & Security blog.? He is also a licensed Massachusetts attorney.

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Refugees have started returning to the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Syria after fighting between rebels and government-allied forces sent them fleeing, but the status of the Palestinian refugees, along with hundreds of thousands of others displaced by the Syrian conflict, remains a top concern for observers outside the country.

The Associated Press reports that, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,?"hundreds of people have returned" to Yarmouk?after fighting between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad drove out as many as two-thirds of the camp's 150,000 residents by United Nations estimates.

The battle at Yarmouk, located in southern Damascus, began Dec. 14, as pro-Assad Palestinian fighters attacked anti-Assad Palestinian rebels based in the camp. Al Jazeera English reported yesterday that although Syrian troops did not participate in the fighting within the camp, they provided support to the pro-Assad fighters, cutting off the camp from the outside and launching air strikes into the camp, which reportedly killed at least eight people on Dec. 16.

Al Jazeera noted that pro-Assad newspaper Al-Watan reported earlier this week that the government was preparing for a major assault on Yarmouk.

AP adds that while fighting has eased, some rebels still remain in the camp. Damascus-based Palestinian official Khaled Abdul-Majid told the AP that Cairo-based Palestinian leaders are negotiating the rebels' exit.?Palestinian refugees in Syria have been divided over which side to ally themselves with in the ongoing civil war.?

Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been affected by the conflict. Some 1 million people are expected to have fled Syria by mid-2013, and another 2 million have already been displaced within the country, reports BBC. The UN has issued an appeal for $1.5 billion?for relief efforts in Syria.

The UN has registered more than half a million refugees so far, with between 2,000 and 3,000 arriving every day in countries neighboring Syria.

"Unless these funds come quickly, we will not be able to fully respond to the life-saving needs of civilians who flee Syria every hour of the day ? many in a truly desperate condition," Panos Moumtzis of the UNHCR said.

"We are constantly shocked by the horrific stories refugees tell us," he added. "Their lives are in turmoil. They have lost their homes and family members. By the time they reach the borders, they are exhausted, traumatised and with little or no resources to rely on.

UN officials said they would need to provide food, shelter, medicines and even schools for them over the next year.

Syria is home to nearly half a million Palestinian refugees living in 12 camps around the country, including Yarmouk, according to the AP. Al Arabiya reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday called on the UN to help the Palestinian refugees displaced by the fighting in Syria to return to Gaza and the West Bank.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/PyOqoEd-9eY/Palestinians-begin-returning-to-Yarmouk-refugee-camp-in-Syria

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Six Months After Launch, Website Monitoring Startup Verelo To Shut Down And Return Funding

Verelo-logoWe’ve received word that Verelo, a Toronto-based startup that provides website monitoring services, is shutting down. The company announced the news today in an email to users signed by co-founder Andrew McGrath. The company, which provided uptime and performance analytics as well as malware detection and site health monitoring services, stopped billing several weeks ago and plans to return its remaining funding to investors. It was a short run for Verelo. The company was founded at the beginning of this year by CEO McGrath and CTO Michael Curry and made its official public launch in June as it graduated out of Toronto’s Extreme Startups incubator program. But it turns out Verelo did not have the traction and funding needed to make it to the next level amid the serious competition that already exists in the space. Curry left the company earlier this fall, and, McGrath wrote, “it’s clear that we’re still playing a big game of catch up and have not got the financial backing required to truly fulfill our one big goal of making the Internet a better place.” It takes a lot of courage to admit when something isn’t working out as well as had been hoped, and Verelo users have taken to Twitter to give their goodbyes: @verelo Sad to see you guys leaving. The best website monitoring site i have ever used.— ken (@sinkronoxc) December 19, 2012 Verelo.com – our great competitor from Canada – has just announced it's closing down. — Website Monitoring (@monitoringblog) December 19, 2012 Just read that Verelo.com is closing down… It's probably very difficult competing with the likes of New Relic, Monitor.us, etc.— David Joos (@davidjoos) December 19, 2012 We’ve reached out to Verelo for additional details and comment on what’s next for the team, and will report back with anything we hear. Here is the email McGrath has sent to users: “Hi Everyone, Its with great sadness that I write this message to inform you that we’ve made the decision to close down Verelo. We’ve been weighing up our options for a while now, however at the end of the day we’ve been struggling to grow at a sufficient rate to become long term profitable. I personally feel that the most responsible thing we can do as a company is to conserve our remaining funding and return it to our investors. If you’re not familiar with our story, Verelo was

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/LS3o1tbEbZk/

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NC State awarded $9 million to make installing home solar energy systems easier, less expensive

NC State awarded $9 million to make installing home solar energy systems easier, less expensive [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Dec-2012
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Contact: Nate DeGraff
North Carolina State University

A new grant to North Carolina State University and several partners could make installing rooftop solar energy systems much less expensive and time consuming.

Researchers will use the five-year, $9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to design solar energy systems and installation and connection procedures that require little or no customization by homeowners and installers. The systems would set up quickly and connect to the power grid easily, while still meeting building and electrical codes.

"The high cost and hassle associated with installing home solar energy systems is a major barrier to their widespread adoption," says Dr. Alex Huang, the lead researcher on the grant, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the FREEDM Systems Center at NC State. "By developing standardized and easy-to-use technologies, we can significantly reduce the cost of these systems for homeowners, who would be able to install the systems themselves."

Today, much of what homeowners spend on solar energy systems goes toward supplier overhead, inspections, permitting, installation and other so-called "soft" costs. DOE estimates these costs at $2.50 per watt, a significant amount of money for systems that typically generate several thousand watts of power.

But by creating systems that "plug and play" universal designs akin to USB interfaces in computers the researchers believe they can drive these costs under $1 per watt. That means a homeowner installing a 5,000-watt solar energy system could save more than $7,500 in soft costs.

Researchers will use the grant to develop standardized panel mounting systems, communication technologies, electrical wiring designs, automated permitting systems, and other cost-cutting technologies. The group will work with codes and standards organizations, electric utilities, building and electrical inspectors, and consumers to tackle the real-world challenges faced by solar energy system installers and the local authorities that set installation rules.


Leading the project will be the FREEDM Systems Center, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center headquartered at NC State that is developing smart grid technologies. The NC Solar Center at NC State, which develops and demonstrates clean energy technology, is also a key player. Others involved include the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the University of Toledo, Isofoton, ABB and Quanta Technology.

The grant is part of DOE's SunShot Initiative, which seeks to make solar energy cost-competitive with other sources of energy by 2020.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

NC State awarded $9 million to make installing home solar energy systems easier, less expensive [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Dec-2012
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Contact: Nate DeGraff
North Carolina State University

A new grant to North Carolina State University and several partners could make installing rooftop solar energy systems much less expensive and time consuming.

Researchers will use the five-year, $9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to design solar energy systems and installation and connection procedures that require little or no customization by homeowners and installers. The systems would set up quickly and connect to the power grid easily, while still meeting building and electrical codes.

"The high cost and hassle associated with installing home solar energy systems is a major barrier to their widespread adoption," says Dr. Alex Huang, the lead researcher on the grant, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the FREEDM Systems Center at NC State. "By developing standardized and easy-to-use technologies, we can significantly reduce the cost of these systems for homeowners, who would be able to install the systems themselves."

Today, much of what homeowners spend on solar energy systems goes toward supplier overhead, inspections, permitting, installation and other so-called "soft" costs. DOE estimates these costs at $2.50 per watt, a significant amount of money for systems that typically generate several thousand watts of power.

But by creating systems that "plug and play" universal designs akin to USB interfaces in computers the researchers believe they can drive these costs under $1 per watt. That means a homeowner installing a 5,000-watt solar energy system could save more than $7,500 in soft costs.

Researchers will use the grant to develop standardized panel mounting systems, communication technologies, electrical wiring designs, automated permitting systems, and other cost-cutting technologies. The group will work with codes and standards organizations, electric utilities, building and electrical inspectors, and consumers to tackle the real-world challenges faced by solar energy system installers and the local authorities that set installation rules.


Leading the project will be the FREEDM Systems Center, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center headquartered at NC State that is developing smart grid technologies. The NC Solar Center at NC State, which develops and demonstrates clean energy technology, is also a key player. Others involved include the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the University of Toledo, Isofoton, ABB and Quanta Technology.

The grant is part of DOE's SunShot Initiative, which seeks to make solar energy cost-competitive with other sources of energy by 2020.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-12/ncsu-nsa121912.php

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State Senate Majority to Focus on More than Just Taxes to Increase Oil Production

Posted: December 18, 2012 at 8:04 am

During a presentation to the Kenai Chapter of the Support Industry Alliance, Senator Elect Peter Micciche discussed some of the Senate Majorities?s priorities, including increasing statewide oil production, but the new caucus won?t focus solely on oil taxes..


Sen-Elect Micciche(R-Soldotna): ?Notice we?re not calling the?committee?an oil-tax committee, the reason is we?ll be investigating all the obstacles?to?increasing?productions, such as permitting?issues, access,?leasing,?competitive?tax?structure?being one of those issues as well. They?re all equally?important. Remember, it?s our oil, but it has little value in funding 90% of everything we do in this state while it lying in the ground. In addition to?incentivizing?currently?producing fields, we?ll be looking at?encouraging?fields that are under developed and under?evaluation, as well as, viscus and shale play.?

Source: http://radiokenai.net/state-senate-majority-to-focus-on-more-than-just-taxes-to-increase-oil-production/

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Fitch says 'fiscal cliff' may cost US 'AAA' rating

NEW YORK (AP) -- Fitch Ratings is warning that the U.S. is more likely to lose its top-notch "AAA" rating if lawmakers cannot agree on how to cut the deficit, sending the country over the "fiscal cliff" of broad government spending cuts and tax increases next year.

But the credit ratings agency said in a report Wednesday that if lawmakers can agree on a deficit-cutting plan, the U.S. would be more likely keep its "AAA" debt rating. Fitch would raise its outlook to stable from negative

In November Fitch said that President Barack Obama must work toward a credible plan to avoid the fiscal cliff or risk losing its "AAA" rating.

In the first-ever downgrade of U.S. government debt, Standard & Poor's last year cut its rating from "'AAA" to "AA+."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fitch-says-fiscal-cliff-may-124517655.html

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বুধবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Google, AAP Settle Copyright Lawsuit | Poets and Writers

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) and Google recently resolved a seven-year legal standoff, settling their differences over Google?s digitization of copyrighted books and journals as part of the company?s Library Project. The settlement concludes a suit filed on behalf of Simon & Schuster, Penguin USA, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, and Pearson Education in which the AAP claimed that Google?s Library Project, which makes digitized titles partially accessible online, was a copyright violation. While the financial details have not been disclosed, under the new agreement publishers have the ability to withdraw copyrighted works that Google has digitized and can also submit works for inclusion in the Google Books database. Google will provide electronic copies of the titles it digitizes to their publishers, who can then use them to create e-books.

In a statement, AAP president and CEO Tom Allen said the association is ?pleased that this settlement addresses the issues that led to the litigation. It shows that digital services can provide innovative means to discover content while still respecting the rights of copyright-holders.?

Google declined to comment on the specifics of the outcome, but in a recent statement, David Drummond, a Google senior vice president and the company?s chief legal officer, said, ?By putting this litigation with the publishers behind us we can stay focused on our core mission and work to increase the number of books available to educate, excite, and entertain our users.?

The Google-AAP settlement had no bearing on the Authors Guild?s copyright lawsuits?one against Google and one against HathiTrust, a collaborative effort by university research libraries and Google to digitize millions of books and journals. Judge Harold Baer? Jr. of the U.S. District Court ruled in favor of HathiTrust in October 2012, deciding that the collaborative project is not a copyright violation; the suit against Google, which was also filed in 2005, is still being argued in the courts.

The Authors Guild is asking that Google pay $750 for each copyrighted work it has digitized as part of the Library Project, which reportedly exceeds 20 million titles in total.

The guild declined a request for comment on its pending suit against Google, but in an October 2012 blog post on its website the organization responded to the judge?s ruling in the
HathiTrust matter, stating it ?disagree[s] with nearly every aspect of [Baer?s] ruling. We?re especially disappointed that the court refused to address the universities? [Orphan Works Project], which defendants have repeatedly promised to revive.? Developed by the University of Michigan Library in partnership with several universities across the country, the Orphan Works Project involves a plan to release out-of-print or otherwise unavailable books?all of which have been digitized by HathiTrust and are still subject to copyright, but whose authors or copyright holders, the project administrators claimed, could not be identified or contacted?to students and faculty within the participating university systems.

?Within two days of filing our lawsuit,? the blog post continues, ?Authors Guild members and staff found that the ?orphans? included books that were still in print, books by living authors, books whose rights had been left to educational and charitable institutions in the United States and abroad, books represented by literary agents, and books by recently deceased authors whose heirs were easily locatable.? In its most recent announcement, the University of Michigan Library?which admitted in 2011 that its original model was flawed?stated that the process of identifying true orphan works is still under way, and that there were no official plans to release titles.?

Kevin Canfield is a freelance writer living in New York City.? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Source: http://www.pw.org/content/google_aap_settle_copyright_lawsuit

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Extra Extra Monday: Student debt, river debates, lead contamination and opiate addictions

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
The Wrong-Way River
?Biologists predict the number of unwanted organisms moving on the Chicago canal will only grow until the waterway is somehow plugged. And it is much more than a Great Lakes problem because biological pollution travels both directions on this invasive species superhighway.?

The Morning Call
Amazon warehouse workers fight for unemployment benefits
?Its relationship with Amazon has made Integrity Staffing Solutions the biggest temporary-employment firm in the Lehigh Valley and one of the fastest-growing agencies of its kind in the country. Part of its role is fighting to keep its workers from collecting unemployment benefits after they have lost a job at Amazon.?

Welcome to IRE's roundup of the weekend?s many enterprise stories from around the country. We'll highlight the document digging, field work and data analysis that made their way into centerpieces in print, broadcast and online from coast to coast.Did we miss something? Email tips to web@ire.org

The Atlantic
In Southern Towns, 'Segregation Academies' Are Still Going Strong
?In the 1960s and '70s, towns across the South created inexpensive private schools to keep white students from having to mix with black. Many remain open, the communities around them as divided as ever.?

The Indianapolis Star
The China Letter
?Now the one person who knew the whole truth was dead, leaving a trail of documents and stories on two continents. They provide a few answers. But they raise plenty of questions, not least of which is why a state agency hired a highly persuasive but not particularly accomplished interpreter for the delicate task of luring international investment and jobs to Indiana.?

The Orange County Register
Universities with connections win most stem cell money
Repeated independent reviews of the agency, including one by the Institute of Medicine released this month, have found that its board is rife with conflicts of interest. In fact, of the $1.7 billion that the agency has awarded so far, about 90 percent has gone to research institutions with ties to people sitting on the board, according to an analysis by David Jensen at the California Stem Cell Report, which closely follows the agency's operations.

Shale drillers eager to move wastewater on barges
The shale gas drilling industry wants to move its wastewater by barge on rivers and lakes across the country. But the U.S. Coast Guard, which regulates the nation?s waterways, must first decide whether it?s safe.

BP?s U.S. Suspension Allows Airport-Fuel Exception for Pentagon
?BP Plc (BP/)?s temporary ban from new U.S. government work now includes a bit of wiggle room for the Defense Department.

Karl Rove?s Dark Money Group Promised IRS It Would Spend ?Limited? Money on Elections
?In a confidential 2010 filing, Crossroads GPS ? the dark money group that spent more than $70 million from anonymous donors on the 2012 election ? told the Internal Revenue Service that its efforts would focus on public education, research and shaping legislation and policy.?

The Dallas Morning News
The Burden of Lead: West Dallas deals with contamination decades later
?The low-income neighborhood of older wood-frame homes in West Dallas is a far cry from the suburb of newly built brick houses in Frisco 30 miles to the north. But the two North Texas communities share a bond: Both were contaminated by industrial lead for nearly half a century.?

The Statesman Journal
When politicians gamble on developers with taxpayer money, who ends up paying?
?Public agencies often use tax-based resources to partner with private developers. Those deals can help transform blighted areas, but they also can become costly projects with dubious results. In a two-day series, the Statesman Journal explores local examples of how public-private partnerships have worked.?

The Columbus Dispatch
Federal student loans become constant burden
?But millions of others also are in default, and some have been there for years. To gauge the lingering consequences, The Dispatch collected and analyzed a random sample of 394 cases from the nearly 16,000 lawsuits that the U.S. government has filed against defaulted student-loan debtors since 2007.?

The Pioneer Press
Hooked on Opiates: More legal use leads to more addiction, crimes, deaths
?Last year, enough of the two leading painkillers -- oxycodone and hydrocodone -- was distributed in the state to provide 18 pills for every man, woman and child. That's up from two pills per person in 1997.?

Doctors face quandary of relieving pain, without feeding addiction
A growing number of health care groups in the Twin Cities are investing in strategies to make sure doctors don't serve as unwitting spigots of medications for addicts. But there's also concern that increased regulation could prompt physicians to stop prescribing medications to patients with legitimate pain-control needs.

The Charlotte Observer and the (Raleigh) News & Observer
Prognosis: Profits, The rising fortunes of Charlotte hospitals haven't always helped patients

"In the latest installment of their ongoing investigation into nonprofit hospitals, the Charlotte Observer and?News & Observer of Raleigh?reported Sunday that N.C.?patients are likely to pay more for routine health care if their doctors are employed by a hospital."
You can find Charlotte's stories here?and Raleigh's stories here.

Source: http://www.ire.org/blog/extra-extra/2012/12/17/extra-extra-monday-student-debt-river-debates-lead/

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Video: Engel on capture: 'There were mock shootings'

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/50242038/

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Mandatory WSIB Coverage in the Construction Industry Begins on ...

This is a reminder that effective January 1, 2013, amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (the ?Act?) will come into force to expand mandatory coverage requirements in the construction industry to include independent operators, sole proprietors, partners in a partnership, and executive officers in a corporation (subject to exemptions noted below).

The executive officers of a corporation to whom mandatory coverage will apply are those listed as officers in a corporation?s Articles of Incorporation and who physically attend at construction worksites, even if such attendance is limited.? Notwithstanding this, the WSIB reserves the right to determine who is an executive officer by examining factors related to the individual?s role and responsibilities.? However, as noted below, corporations will be able to exempt one executive officer from mandatory coverage.

Exemptions to mandatory coverage:

  • One Executive Officer / Partner ? A partnership or corporation may elect one partner or executive officer, respectively, for exemption from coverage provided that the chosen partner or executive officer does not engage in any construction work.? Periodic site visits are permitted by the exempted individual, provided that the partner or executive officer is not performing construction work on the site.
  • Home Renovations ? Independent operators, sole proprietors, partners, and executive officers who are engaged exclusively in home renovation work are exempt from compulsory coverage.

Some Executive Officers / Partners may already have private insurance coverage.? It would be prudent to determine the maximum coverage under such private insurance and compare it to the coverage provided by the WSIB to determine whether the appropriate insurance coverage has been obtained for each Executive Officer / Partner.

The WSIB has established a website devoted to informing business owners about the new mandatory coverage: www.BeRegisteredBeReady.ca

If you have any questions about how the new mandatory coverage will work, how these changes might affect your business, or any other questions relating to workplace law, please do not hesitate to contact a Mathews Dinsdale lawyer.

For more information on new developments in Workplace Law, please refer to our website at:

Click here for downloadable version

Source: http://www.mathewsdinsdale.com/mandatory-wsib-coverage-for-construction-industry-begins-on-january-1-2013/

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